Volvos: Dependable Machines, Especially When Serviced by a Top Cincinnati Volvo Mechanic
Volvos are great cars. They even made history as the first cars to be fitted with three point seat belts. In fact, Volvo bought the patent and then released it because of the lives it would save when the technology became ubiquitous. Volvos are known as practical vehicles, but don’t overlook their speed. Top Gear describes the super-fast 501bhp S60 engine as “a masterpiece of restraint, while detonating Volvo’s risk-averse reputation at the same time.” Volvos were driven by the Tom Walkinshaw Racing team to place third and fifth in a number of professional races. And if they are serviced regularly by an auto garage that specializes in Volvos, they will last a long time. Volvos have earned a reputation for practical functionality.