Tag: Audi

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A Hot Hatchback That You Can’t Have: Audi A3 Allstreet

Posted 5/20/24

It can be hard to be an American and see all of the hatchback and station wagon options that are available from our favorite European car brands, which simply aren’t available in the US. Americans have fully embraced the crossover, SUV and mini van body...

european auto specialists audi logo

Tech We Love to See: Audi Makes Getting Greens a Breeze

Posted 1/22/24

Cars these days are full of more technology than ever. From lane assist to traction control to back up cameras and automatic braking, it seems like you car is constantly babysitting your every move to keep you, your passengers, and the other people on the...

european auto specialists audi

Time To Crash More Audis To Keep Their Drivers Safer

Posted 1/8/24

No driver wants to get into a car accident, but for the crash test dummies at the all-new Vehicle Safety Center in Ingolstadt, Germany, car crashes will be a way of life. Audi recently opened up a brand new state of the art crash test...

european auto specialists audi logo

Audi’s Electric Vehicles and the Talent of Ken Block

Posted 2/21/22

Noted rally racer Ken Block has recently gone in a slightly different direction from his usual projects. While known from his collaborations with Ford and Subaru in the past, Block has just joined with Audi for the very first time. Recently announced by DirtFish, Block...

Choose A Local Cincinnati Volvo Mechanic That Keeps You Moving

When you select a Volvo for your family, you know you can depend on the safety and reliability of your car. But every car, even one as sturdy and reliable as a Volvo will need to go into the shop from time to time. As much as we wish that brake pads and tires lasted forever, they still haven’t figured that one out yet. So when you are looking for a Cincinnati guy to fix your Volvo, don’t go to the dealership, but a shop that knows foreign car repair like the back of their hands.

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