How to Optimize the Performance of Your Jaguar Brakes

If you own a Jaguar, you’re not taking it for long slow drives in the country. We know how much power there is under the hood of a Jaguar, and we know that you can’t help but put all of your Jag’s horsepower to the test. These cars have speed, and there’s a certain freedom in pushing that speed to its limits. That’s why regular Jaguar brake jobs are such an important part of Jaguar scheduled maintenance. If you are going to give it all its worth, you need to stop on a dime.

At our auto repair shop in Cincinnati, our Jaguar technicians like to stress the importance of regular brake jobs and brake flushes for your Jaguar. It’s a critical factor in keeping your Jaguar brakes in top shape. In a car of this power and magnitude, your braking system is the difference between life and death. Make sure your brakes are running their best with Jaguar brake jobs and brake flushes. Don’t take your chances on this recommended Jaguar scheduled maintenance.

When it comes to getting the best from your Jaguar’s brakes it is critical to use the specified hydraulic fluid in the reservoir of your Jaguar brakes. As a general rule for mechanical work, do not mix or substitute the fluid types under any circumstances. The braking systems on a Jaguar are designed for a select balance of base stock and additives, so don’t leave your Jaguar brake flush in the hands of amateurs.

Keep Braking Effectively by Cleaning Your Braking Systems

When it comes to Jaguar repair, be sure to regularly clean your brakes as well. Dust and debris will contaminate the rotor and brake pads, which can cause a high pitched squeaking, and can even cause uneven tears and scarring to the rotor. Give the brakes a good hose down as you clean the car; that’s all it takes. But, make sure not to hit a hot rotor with a cold hose, because that is a potential recipe for a warped rotor.

Never put any sort of lubricant on the brake pads’ surface or on the rotors. Brake cleaner can be used to remove any foreign oils, but always allow the cleansed area to completely air dry before driving anywhere.

Make sure the brake fluid is topped off in the braking reservoir by a Jaguar technician to ensure proper performance. If you are in a bind, you can check with your Jaguar mechanic or your manual on which brake fluid to use, and top it off yourself if it gets low. Your Jaguar technician can even show you how to top off the fluid for the brakes of your Jaguar. Brake fluid is supposed to operate in a closed system so it shouldn’t have to be topped up too often. If you find yourself having to regularly add brake fluid, there may be a leak somewhere in your Jaguar braking system, and should you should have it inspected by your favorite Jaguar mechanic ASAP.

Make Brakes a Part of Your Regular Scheduled Jaguar Maintenance

One of the great things about Jaguars is that they come with a fantastic warranty. And though the Elitecare coverage includes great inspections and maintenance, it doesn’t really include “wear and tear” items like brakes. If you take it to the dealership for your inspection and they tell you that you need brakes, it’s worth your time and money to get an estimate from an independent import car repair specialist that specializes in Jaguar scheduled maintenance. 

Regardless of who you choose to tackle your Jaguar brakes,  we recommend that you get your brakes done before the pads are completely worn out. Luckily, your included Elitecare coverage usually includes a brake inspection as part of your regular Jaguar scheduled maintenance. Your Jaguar will remind you when it’s time to get your regular maintenance, but it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the schedule so you aren’t met with a surprise while you are on vacation. If you replace those brakes early, you’ll not only drive safer, but you’ll save money on brake jobs in the long run.

Other Jaguar repairs you’ll want to schedule regularly include a radiator flush, a brake flush, and windshield wiper replacement.

Give us a call or email us anytime. At our auto repair shop in Cincinnati, we’ll get you in and have your vehicle ready ASAP. Need a more accurate estimate on how long your brake job will take? We’ll help with that too. Minimize the hassle, not to mention the expense, by staying up on Jaguar repairs. We are the foreign car repair specialists, serving the Cincinnati area since 2001 with outstanding quality in car repair and car troubleshooting.

Ask a Mechanic, “Hey Fix My Jaguar,” but Who Do You Trust?

Jaguars are their own class of luxury. Clearly, no other vehicle compares. It’s a special car. When you call someone up to fix your Jaguar, you want to know it is someone you trust, someone who not only specializes in Jaguars, but lives and breathes this car like a true enthusiast. Your mechanic should not only be certified, but have clear import experience, particularly when it comes to servicing Jaguars. Imports, Jaguars in particular, have their own specialized problems and maintenance needs. Don’t trust yours to just anybody. Always remember to ask for a free estimate, and maybe shop for a few estimates to make sure you are getting a good price at the right quality.

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