What You Need to Know to Fix Your Jaguar XJ6

At European Auto Specialists, we love Jaguars. They’re beautiful, high performing cars. We own them. We repair them. Heck, we live and breathe them. But anything with four wheels and an engine will need repair or maintenance from your favorite auto repair shop from time to time. It’s the only way to ensure your Jaguar is running in top condition—and that you get the best performance and value. We want to keep your Jaguar running beautifully, purring like the fine automobile it is. Trust us. We’ll give your Jaguar the extra special treatment it deserves. Jaguars are high performing, beautiful machines. And though they may be works of art on the road, they all need to be repaired eventually. But to truly get the best performance these machines can deliver, paying attention to regularly scheduled performance maintenance is critical. This is a method of planning out regular car repair needs ahead of time. The best way to maintain your car’s longevity is to bring your Jaguar in to your local Cincinnati car repair garage for a routine inspection. Our Jaguar technicians can tell you all the work your Jag requires to keep it in the finest performing condition.

The Harrows of Salt and The Importance of Prompt Jaguar Repair

The XJ6 was Jaguar’s standard model in the late ‘70s. Keep in mind that the gas tanks on this vehicle tend to rust. Getting a spare gas tank can be difficult, though you might have better luck if you work with an auto repair shop that specifically specializes in Jaguar repair. But it doesn’t stop with the gas tank. Rust is also a problem in the undercarriage. If you are shopping for a vintage Jaguar, try to get one that has only been driven in warm climates such as California and Arizona. Salt kills Jaguars.

The engine blocks on many six-cylinder Jaguar XJ6’s made in the late 80s also tended to leak oil under the main seal. Repairing this can be difficult and requires completely removing the engine. The inboard disc brakes are also time consuming and expensive to replace. Keep that in mind the next time you call a shop and say, “Fix my Jaguar!”

When it Comes to Jaguar Repair, Brake Jobs are Important

A Jaguar packs some serious power underneath that hood. That kind of speed and performance requires awesome braking power. Since you’ll probably be giving the engine everything it can take, it makes sense that you’ll push the brakes to their limits too. That’s why it’s so important to keep up on your Jaguar’s brakes. It not only ensures your Jaguar is safe to drive at high speeds, but keeps car repair costs from getting out of control. Bring your baby in to our Jaguar technicians for a brake inspection. We’ll let you know if you need a brake job. We’ll also test the fluid to see if it’s time for a brake flush. If you keep up on your Jaguar’s brakes with regularly scheduled performance maintenance, you’ll get superior performance that’s top of the line.

Trusted Mechanics Can Provide A Specialized Jaguar Experience

One of the most important things to keep in mind when asking someone to fix your Jaguar is that it’s not just any car. A Jaguar is a beautiful but very specialized vehicle, a work of art on wheels. It’s not something you want to leave in the hands of just any automobile repair shop. It’s your baby. Leave it to an import car maintenance specialist. And when you call a specialist you can be sure that they will be able to let you know how long your Jaguar’s repairs will take. We understand that time is money, and we want you back on the road as much as you do.

At European Auto Specialists, we have been servicing Jaguars for years. Our certified Jaguar mechanics bring over 60 years of combined experience to the table. We live and breathe Jaguars. When we go to sleep at night, we dream about scheduled maintenance, why Jaguar brakes are special, and just how long you can drive a Jaguar before the radiator needs to be flushed. (Hint: longer than most, but not forever.) We are the Jaguar experts, and soon to be your favorite Cincinnati, OH auto repair shop. We have been serving the Cincinnati area with specialized European car repair since 2001. Trust us. You’re in good hands.

Warning Signs You Need New European Brakes

Think your European car might need a brake job? There are clear warning signs it’s time to take it in. If you hear a squealing noise whenever the brakes are applied, chances are the built-in “wear indicators” have hit their due. These are metal tabs located near the surface of most brake pads. When the pads wear sufficiently, the tabs scrape the rotor as an early warning sign you need to get the pads replaced. A clicking noise, on the other hand, indicates clips, bolts, or pins have become loose, and the pad is wobbling around. If you experience either of these symptoms, have your car serviced as early as possible to prevent wear to the rotors.

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